March Patient of the Month Bay City

Our Bay City Patient of the Month is Noelle Ludwig!

Noelle was nominated by her occupational therapist, Megan and physical therapist assistants Ally and Jessica.

Noelle attends physical therapy and occupational therapy for her Cerebral Palsy. Noelle first attended therapist at Paramount as a young child. PT works on her balance and core strength. OT works on building strength and improving her ability to complete daily activities independently.

Since attending OT, Noelle can now open jars, is getting better at sweeping and is now volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters. Since attending PT, Noelle can life her lower extremities without assistance and her balance has improved!

Noelle was nominated because of her positive attitude. It is impossible to be in a bad mood when Noelle is around. She is a very hard worker in therapy and tries everything that is asked of her.

Congratulations Noelle! Keep up the good work.