Paramount Rehabilitation offers several treatment options for Parkinson’s. In honor of Parkinson’s Awareness Month, we wanted to share our programs and how they work.
LSVT BIG- LSVT BIG is a protocol developed specifically for Parkinson’s disease to address posture, poor movement patterns and walking. LSVT BIG focuses on BIG amplitude, HIGH intensity exercises that target specific movements that are found to be affected in people with Parkinson’s disease.
LSVT LOUD- LSVT LOUD is a protocol developed specifically for Parkinson’s disease. Published research data support improvements in vocal loudness, intonation, and voice quality for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease who received LSVT LOUD, with improvements maintained up to two years after treatment.
PWR!-PWR! stands for Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery and improves the rigidity, poor posture, small movements and lack of coordination caused by Parkinson’s disease. These moves specifically target each symptom that interferes with everyday movements for people with Parkinson’s.
Universal Exercise Unit- For Parkinson’s the Universal Exercise Unit (cage) can be used to provide proprioceptive feedback on the center of gravity and can be used to improve standing balance, dynamic reaching, and standing and righting reactions. It can also be used for core and postural strengthening. Individuals are hooked into the cage utilizing a belt and bungee cords to work on the above skills.