Pediatric Speech Therapy

Personalized Speech Therapy Gets Results

We offer speech therapy to help patients increase their independence and confidence with communication and swallowing. Speech-language pathologists have the ability to diagnose and treat the following:

  1. Articulation (e.g., production of speech sounds)
  2. Fluency (e.g., stuttering, cluttering)
  3. Voice and resonance (e.g., vocal quality, respiration, phonation)
  4. Expressive and receptive language (i.e., producing language and understanding language)
  5. Hearing (i.e., the impact hearing has on speech and language)
  6. Swallowing (e.g., oral function for feeding, dysphagia)
  7. Social communication (e.g., challenging behavior, social skills)
  8. Cognitive aspects of communication (e.g., attention, memory, sequencing, problem solving)
  9. Communication modalities (e.g., communication devices, sign language)

Some of the techniques we use include:

Play-Based Therapy
Play-based therapy is an evidence-based approach in which the clinician follows the patient’s lead and creates opportunities for the patient to practice the target skill while enjoying preferred toys and activities. Play-based therapy allows for patients to learn in a functional and naturalistic environment.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication refers to any form of communication other than natural, verbal speech. AAC can be low-tech (e.g., Picture Exchange Communication System) or high-tech (e.g., speech-generating device).

Articulation focuses on increasing speech intelligibility (i.e., how well the child is understood by others) by targeting specific speech sounds through various approaches (e.g., traditional articulation approach, cycles approach, etc.). Oral motor exercises are used to increase the strength and range of motion of articulators.

Oral Motor
Oral motor exercises are used to strengthen the oral muscles that are used when speaking and swallowing. We may ask you to blow bubbles or fill your cheeks with air to improve muscle tone and control.