Our Bay City Patient of the Month is Riley Vanwert.
Riley was nominated by his therapist, Ashley Slater.
Riley has attended therapy at Paramount Rehab after having hamstring lengthening surgery. He has a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP) and was told as a child that he would never walk, but with prior therapy he was able to. Riley was in a wheelchair for a long period of time after having his surgery. At Paramount, Riley had to re-learn all of his prior gains and skills from physical therapy such as walking. Since coming to therapy, Riley can walk with one hand held and stand for a short period of time without assistance. Riley is currently learning how to negotiate a full flight of stairs!
Riley was nominated because of his willingness to try new tasks at therapy. Riley is always saying “hi” to everyone he meets and he makes sure to give you a fist bump on his way out!
Keep up the good work Riley!