Bay City August 2018 Patient of the Month

Our Bay City Patient of the Month is Anna Wendland!

Anna was nominated by her therapists, Ashley Slater PT, Kassie Goss PTA and Lauren Matherne, OTRL.

Anna has attended physical therapy at Paramount Rehab to improve her coordination and balance as well as decrease her falls. Anna has attended occupational therapy at Paramount Rehab to improve the use of her left hand during functional activities, to increase upper body strength and improve her handwriting.

Since attending physical therapy at Paramount, Anna can go from a ½ kneel to a stand, can do squats and improved balance/decreasing her falls. Since attending occupational therapy at Paramount, Anna has improved her handwriting, increased upper body strength and improved the use of her left hand and bilateral coordination activities. Anna was nominated because she is so excited to join her therapists for therapy. Anna always tries her best and brings positive energy to Paramount!

Keep up the good work Anna!