Bay City October 2018 Patient of the Month

Our Bay City Patient of the Month is Mark Story!

Mark was nominated by his therapist, Megan Monroe.

Mark attended work conditioning to return to his job as a firefighter after having L4/L5 laminectomy.

Mark can now walk on uneven terrain while pulling out a fire hose, ascend/descend ladders with gear on as well as ascend/descend stairs with firefighting gear on and stimulate kicking a door down.

Mark was nominated due to being such a consistent hard worker while attending therapy 5 days a week for 2 hour sessions. He has been very involved in the therapy process with giving a detailed job description to his therapist to allow accurate stimulation of all of his job functions. Mark puts forth 100% effort in all of his therapy sessions. He is hoping to return soon as a firefighter.

Congratulations Mark! Keep up the good work.