Saginaw October 2018 Patient of the Month

Our Saginaw Patient of the Month is Rollin Smith!

Rollin was nominated by his speech therapists, Claire Girkin and Kitty Brushaber-Drockton (not pictured).

Rollin has attended speech therapy at Paramount Rehab since 2014 and works on his articulation and conversation skills.

Rollin enjoys working on his articulation and conversational skills while discussing his favorite Gospel music and his job at a local hotel. He continues therapy with a positive attitude and motivation for all speech tasks.

Rollin was nominated because he always arrives to speech-language therapy with a smile on his face and ready to work. Rollin’s positive attitude and willingness to try new things makes speech therapy fun for all of the therapists he works with!

Congratulations Rollin! Keep up the good work.