Jessica Schaefer

Jessica is currently working towards a degree in elementary education. She previously worked in childcare at the YMCA before coming to Paramount in 2023. Jessica loves writing, exercising, learning, netflix, and spending time with her family and 2 cats. She recently taken upon Skiing too! When the weather is nice, Jessica plays tennis which is her favorite sport.

Kim Koroleski

Before joining Paramount in 2023, Kim worked in various skilled nursing homes in New Hampshire, Florida, and Michigan for 13 years. She was attracted to this field because seeing therapy help her grandma, she was inspired to help others. She enjoys going riding on the quad in the snow and traveling to find new mom and pop’s places to eat. Kim has been with her fiancé for 10 and a half years and been engaged for the past 3 years. They own have a 9-year-old German Shepard named Jack.