Community Involvement
Paramount Supports Our Patients, Employees and Communities
Paramount believes that to truly improve the lives of our patients and employees, we must do our part to help the communities where we all live. That’s why you’ll often see us sponsoring local events.
Our commitment to community involvement also helps Paramount attract the most dedicated therapists in the area.
It’s not possible to list everything we do to support our communities, but this list offers a sample of the wide range of activities Paramount supports.

The Amazing Race For Rescue
The Amazing Race for Rescue presented by Paramount Rehabilitation Services is a fun, exciting road rally similar to The Amazing Race TV show that will raise awareness and funds for the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission.

Arenac County Project Connect
Paramount will be at the Arenac County Project Connect on September 19th. We hope to see you at the event. We will have pamphlets, flyers and pens to give out. If you attend the event, stop by and say hi!

Arenac County Community Baby Shower
We’re excited to be at the Arenac County Community Baby Shower this year!
We will be there on September 18th from 10am – 2pm.
Come on out to see us at this wonderful event!

Sterling Area Health Health and Wellness Fair
Paramount will have a spot at the Sterling Area Health and Wellness Fair on August 8th. We will be there from 2pm – 5pm. There will be plenty of free events and activities at this event so make sure you come out and see us!

Sunrise Side Senior Services Senior Day
Luke will be at the Sunrise Side Senior Services Senior Day at the Arenac county fair on July 31st.
He will be there from 9am – 1pm.

Autism Light It Up Blue
We participate in World Autism Month every April through the Light It Up Blue event. The goal is to increase understanding and acceptance of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Team Collin
A couple of months ago, we were made aware on Facebook of a child named Collin who, along with his family, was selling Team Collin shirts to raise money to send children to Starlight Shores Family Camp. In the past, Collin attended the camp for children with cancer.
We wanted to support Collin and his mission, so everyone in all three offices bought the bright yellow Team Collin shirts.

Toys For Tots
Paramount is a collection site for Toys for Tots. We ask employees, patients, and the community to drop off new toys at our Bay City or Saginaw locations.

Welcome Home Amir Hekmati
We filled a poster board with signatures welcoming home Amir Hekmati, a former US Marine who was arrested in Iran in 2011 and accused of spying. He was tried and sentenced to death. The ruling was overturned and he returned home in 2016 to his family in Flint.

Zippity Zoo Da Day
The Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square opened for free to families with disabilities. We provided information and activities for zoo visitors.

Christmas Giveaway
Every December, we hold a Facebook contest to give away toys that our pediatric therapists select. Along with the contest, we educate parents on the best toys that help children grow and build skills.